
Detector Finds 6 by Gordon Bailey

£ 16.00
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Detector Finds 6 by Gordon BaileyThe 6th instalment in the series from Gordon Bailey

Using over 660 clear illustrations of never seen before artefacts, to help you identify finds, these are the topics included:
Hanging Swivels , Knife Pommels or Caps , Roman Nail Cleaners , Saxon Wrist Clasps , Roman Horse Pendants , Inkwells Made From Lead , Roman Medical Implements , Merchant & Signet Finger Rings , Roman Mirrors , The Mining of Lead , Belt Decorations, Stiffeners & Mounts , Tiepins or Stickpins , Lead, Bronze & Silver Crosses , Locks Made From Iron , Lead Spindle Whorls , Offerings to the Gods , Medal Detecting & Medal Collecting.

A4, 112 pages, ISBN 978 1 897738 313