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Treasure Hunting Magazine Subscription
Metal Detecting Magazine
Magazine for metal detectorists

Subscribe to Britain's Best Selling Metal Detecting Magazine

Dive into the world of metal detecting with a subscription to Treasure Hunting Magazine! Each issue is packed with fascinating articles, expert tips, and stunning photographs showcasing incredible finds. Learn about historical treasures from the Bronze Age to the modern era and get insider advice on the best detectors and search techniques. Perfect for beginners and seasoned detectorists alike, Treasure Hunting Magazine brings the thrill of discovery right to your doorstep. Subscribe now and join a vibrant community of metal detecting enthusiasts!

Why Subscribe to Treasure Hunting Magazine?

Expert Insights

Articles from seasoned detectorists and historians.

In-depth Reviews:

Field tests of the latest metal detecting equipment.

Fascinating Finds:

Stories of remarkable discoveries across the ages.

Practical Tips:

Guidance on where and how to search for treasures.

Beautiful Photography:

Stunning images of artefacts and landscapes.

Identifying Historical finds:

Read and understand the history behind discovered artifacts.

We can also take subscriptions over the phone if that is your preferred choice.

Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm